Thursday, February 08, 2007

the beauty of the brain

it's been a long time. i thank all the non-existent fanboys and virtual scourers for awaiting my return. writing is a blessing. rarely does it feel as good to write and freely express what you're thinking. from concept to product, eventhough it's a merely re-assembled alphabets what we memorized since we were three years old; this mere combinations and arrangements can make war, kill people, feed mouths, or just stay there and be forgotten like wind blowing on your face.

now that i'm here, i realise that everybody has got a price. everyone can be made to do something he doesn't want, as long as the price is right. yes, humans are that shallow.

for example, you can be turned into a drone from 9-5. every weekday. and every other saturday. you are forced to fight slumber and the softness of the bed, the familiar smell of home, the whiff of a good hearty breakfast, just so that you can be a punctual slave.

you can have a ball of iron chained to your feet, cursing the kings, fingertips thumping away at moulded plastics, and slaving yourself... and yet finding the drive and motivation to fulfill the social pressure of impressing others.

alas, only the wonderful brain can manage all that. while the heart is left fighting the brute reality to continue dreaming of the wonderful things in life.


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