Thursday, May 18, 2006

some things..

yes, it has been quite some time since i've last written.

i miss the times when i actually have nothing to do.

i miss the moments when i suddenly realised i have something to do, and, that's it - only one single thing to do for the whole day.

i miss it when a curious feeling stirs in me, when this blur of an idea comes to mind, and i actually have the luxury of time to focus on it, imagine, synthetize, and materialize it into understandable expressions for others.

which brings me to last time i actually did something just because i liked doing it. to want to do something, for absolutely no ulterior motives. a unadulterated deed so sincere that it doesn't matter how long it takes or what others think of it.

a pure movement inspired by passion and clarity, all uncertainties and doubts are seen as complements and cure.

yeah i miss doing things that way.

i'm gonna do more of that.


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