there's this current mini-furore on the Today newspaper regarding children who send their parents to nursing homes. one can only imagine the look in the parents' eyes once the plans of her own offspring is realized.
at that moment, who can understand the deep breaths she takes to hold her tears back? who can comprehend the ballasts of emotion tugging down at her heart?
which, i cannot help but to quote Sinkapore's very own health minister's comment on setting up nursing homes across the courty's boundary - as is it the more cost-efficient method.
"My personal view is, our land is expensive. But we
have nearby neighbours in Johore, Batam and Bintan. The elderly want to reach
their doctors within half to one hour. So retirement villages in neighbouring
countries is possible, barring the cross-border hassle. It is best to find cheap
land on short leases," said Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan.
but is that really all there is to it? considerations are based on arguments of cost-benefit? where every single feeling, responsibility, and emotions be itemized and listed down, complete with cost prices and comparison if it were to be done with tweaks?
back to the topic, after years of sacrifice and tears, i cannot even bear to imagine how the unlucky parent must be thinking.
one might argue it boils down to the basics of economics. but, as the popular catch phrase goes: there are just some things money can't buy.
oi. tak update ke apa? penat je aku sampai sini dari jauh.
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