Tuesday, May 31, 2005

leotards are IN!!

has anyone seen the new creative neeeeeeeeon? first of all, what's with the spelling? even from the word neeon, you know it's gonna be something loud, bright, a useless rendition of something that was originally useful, and something totally cosmetic.

and have you actually seen the design? it is totally loud + bright = horrible, looks like something you wouldn't want to show off to others. i mean, would you be ashamed of your ipod? certainly not. but if you were to have this, almost certainly you would keep it in your pocket and let mould grow in there than to take it. it had better come with a remote.

look at it. it screams technicolour yawn.

it's design borders on the 2nd generation of mobile phones. didn't they learn anything from the ipod? where are all the smooth lines? simplicity? something that teases, yet oozes sex appeal. oh man, those poor guys at creative must be running outta ideas.

come on, how do u expect me to support local products if they keep churning out an mp3 player with a faceplate that only a tai-tai would like?????

hmm, come to think of it, maybe it's those tai-tais that designed this.

and from last i heard, the UI still lags.

don't get me wrong here, i'm no apple die-harder (current O/S: winXP, nuff said). i just think the design needs to be better for it to succeed. it's the first impression that counts. the first three seconds last.

moral of the story? keep it simple.


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